Thank You Lena Stenius again for another fantastic male how is just amazing in what he is leaving in his puppies ..and for sure i will make him A BIG STAR ..He is just the one and the only !!! "":LOL
Genuine Redskin JR CH San MARINO and winning also JR BEST IN SHOW !!
My beloved Genuine Redskin is now living with his breeder Francesca .. I miss him a lot but sometimes you just have to do something your never wanted to do !! I think he will be very happy with them!
Our wonderfull Berry today at San Marino CAC1 got Ecc2 ris CAC at the CAC2 he won Ecc1 CAC BOB and BOG2..WEll Done to Matteo..Thank you to Andrea Matteo and Lorena !!!
Thank you Andrea Matteo and Lorena for your help..we did very well again with our dogs We now have 2 JR.CH of SAN MARINO 2012..Very happy about them..!!